Applied Music Program FAQs

Applied Music Program FAQs


The Applied Music Program (MUS 181, 182, 183 & 184) is a music program that provides individual lessons to students who successfully audition into the program. Once accepted, students receive instruction from professionals in their field who are part of the Pierce Applied Music faculty. Areas offered by the program include both classical and jazz voice, piano, guitar, all band and orchestral instruments and composition.

Yes, the corequisites for AMP are Music 250 (Performance Workshop), Music 216 (Theory), Music 217 (Musicianship), and a performance ensemble approved by the AMP Director.

To be considered a full-time music major, students need to be taking music theory, musicianship, applied lessons, performance workshop and participate in an ensemble. Taking 12 units or more is not a requirement to being a full-time music major.

Entrance into the AMP is done through successful audition. To help ensure a smooth application/audition process, read and do the following:

  • Read the Student Guidelines- This includes information about audition requirements for each instrument and information about the AMP.
  • Download and complete the AMP Application, then email the application to Dr. Mazon by the deadline listed.
  • Schedule a rehearsal with an accompanist- If needed, schedule an appointment with one of our accompanists at least two weeks before your audition. See the accompanists page for information. All vocalists are required to have an accompanist.
  • Once your application has been accepted, sign up for an audition time.
  • Prepare your audition material well in advance. Spots in this program are limited.

The audition requirements can be found using this Student Guidelines link.

You will need an accompanist if you are a vocalist or it your piece calls for a pianist to accompany you.

No accompanist is needed for unaccompanied pieces.

Yes, all auditions are in person.

Students should dress professionally as if they are interviewing for a very important job. For example, a button-down shirt, dress pants or slacks or a modest dress/skirt and dress shoes.

This is a very important audition, so come as prepared as possible. All pieces should be performance ready. In order for a student to put their best foot forward, we suggest students start practicing and preparing their music several months in advance.

For questions, email the AMP Director, Charlotte Wilkins at @email. She will be happy to answer any questions you may have. All questions are welcome.

Contact Us


Village 8340


Wendy Mazon, Department Chair & Music Faculty Advisor
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 710-2295

Village 8000

Charlotte Wilkins, Applied Music Director
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 366-1205