Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


How are Honors courses different from other classes

Honors courses are taught by faculty who are highly recommended by their respective departments and their students. The faculty members require students to demonstrate a mastery of subject matter through writing, research, critical thinking and analysis. In addition, students benefit from a class size limited to 30 students.

What classes are offered through the Honors Program? How many do I need to take?

There are approximately 30 Scholars classes offered in the fall and spring terms. Approximately 10 classes are offered in the summer and winter sessions. Honors classes are selected from the IGETC list (UC/CSU general education requirements). Students are required to complete 2 Honors courses in the fall before they transfer. A total of 15 units is required to complete the program.

Do I need to be a full-time student to be in the Program?

You do not need to be a full-time student to be in the Scholars Program.  We are a transfer program and students can progress through their studies at any pace that works best for them.  Scholars Counselors will assist with educational plans to allow for any transfer timeline that works best.

What are the requirements to join the program?

You must also have at least a 3.0 (high school) GPA. If you are a college student, you must have a UC-transferable GPA of 3.25.

What do I need to apply?

You must complete The Application, including your unofficial transcripts. 

If I'm a part of an Honors Program at another college, will that grant me admittance into the LAPC Honors Program?

No. All students must complete the Honors application process for the LAPC Honors Program. 

I'm planning to transfer next semester. Can I still apply to the Scholars Program?

Students need to complete at least two honors courses in the fall before transfer.  

I am not interested in applying to UCLA. Is the Honors Program still for me?

Yes! Being an Honors Scholar will benefit you and improve your application.

 I've been accepted into the Scholars Program. Now what?

All students who have been newly accepted in the program must attend a mandatory Scholars Program Orientation. Attending the orientation and signing the program contract is the final step in becoming a Scholars Program student. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the program. In addition, students are not able to schedule appointments with Scholars counselors until the orientation has been completed.

What is UCLA TAP?

The Transfer Alliance Program is a collaboration between local community college Honors/Scholars Programs and UCLA's College (formerly College Letters and Science), Public Affairs major in the Luskin School, Fielding School of Public Health, and the major of Education & Social Transformation in the School of Education. The program is designed to encourage academic excellence at the community college level and to promote diversity and retention in the UCLA transfer population. Scholars students who are TAP certified receive priority consideration for admission to UCLA's College, Public Affairs major in the Luskin School, Public Health in the Fielding School, and Education & Social Transformation in the School of Education. If admitted, TAP students are eligible to apply for scholarships reserved for the Transfer Alliance Program.

Am I guaranteed admission to UCLA if I complete the TAP requirements through the SMC Scholars Program?

No. TAP certification guarantees priority consideration; it is not a guaranteed admissions agreement. TAP certified student must be competitive for the major to which they are applying. Those who do not meet the GPA and major preparation requirements will be denied admission to UCLA even if they are TAP certified.

Does UCLA have any guaranteed admission agreements for community college students?

No. UCLA, UCB and UCSD do not offer guaranteed admissions programs for community college students. However, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Merced, UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz and UC Riverside do offer Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAG).

Does the TAP agreement work for all majors at UCLA?

No. It only works with the majors in The College, Public Affairs major in the Luskin School, Fielding School of Public Health, and Education & Social Transformation major in the School of Education. The priority admission does not extend to the majors in the five other undergraduate schools at UCLA. However, certification for non-College majors such as Engineering, Nursing, Arts and Architecture, or Theater, Film and Television can be obtained if the student completes the prerequisites for an appropriate alternate major in The College, Public Health BA or BS, or Public Affairs major in the Luskin School.

How can I schedule an appointment to speak with an Honors Counselor?

Counseling appointments are made by the student via Crainium Cafe.  The Scheduling system allows for in-person or video appointments. If you are new to the Honors Program, you may schedule an appointment once you have been admitted.

Los Angeles Pierce College Honors Transfer Program

Office Location

Office: Alder 1000


Phone: (818) 712-2603