Chemistry Course Offerings

The Chemistry Department at Los Angeles Pierce College offers a variety of courses. If you are interested in contacting an instructor about any concerns, you are welcome to email them at the email address in the Chemistry Faculty Directory.

Course materials for every Chemistry classes at LA Pierce College can be purchased at the Pierce College Bookstore or ordered online. A full list of resources in each chemistry course can be found on our Chemistry Resources Page

(5 units each)
Course Title
* / ** / D
(C-ID CHEM ###)
Instructor Contact(s)
CHEM 51 Fundamentals of Chemistry I CSU
Sheila Hammon
CHEM 60 Introduction to General Chemistry
* D
(C-ID CHEM 101)

Sadaf Sehati
Benny Ng

CHEM 101 General Chemistry I UC | CSU
(C-ID CHEM 110)
Sarah Toews Keatings
Winn Huynh
CHEM 102 General Chemistry II UC | CSU
(C-ID CHEM 120 S)

Sara Harvey
Alia Latif

CHEM 211 Organic Chemistry for Science Majors I
(C-ID CHEM 150)

Cari Meyer-Joiner
Alexandros Oxyzolou
Robert Tobolowsky

CHEM 212 Organic Chemistry for Science Majors II
(C-ID CHEM 160 S)

Cari Meyer-Joiner
Alexandros Oxyzolou
Robert Tobolowsky

CHEM 221 Biochemistry for Science Majors I
UC | CSU Sadaf Sehati

*   -  UC Credit Limit: Maximum one course.
**  -  UC Credit Limit: Maximum two courses.
D  -  No credit if taken after CHEM 101.

Directed Studies in Chemistry

Our faculty are open to discussing and sponsoring directed studies in chemistry. Directed studies are student-led projects that:

  1. immerse a student in advanced concepts beyond the scope of courses offered,
  2. enhance the learning of other students at Pierce College, or
  3. apply chemistry concepts to a community or campus outreach project.

Please contact and discuss with your Faculty Member of interest via email with a project in mind if you are interested in enrolling in directed studies (CHEM 185 / 285 / 385).

You may find your faculty's email address via the Faculty Directory.

Chemistry Department Chair

Dr. Sara Harvey

Office: CFS 91041
Email: @email
Phone: (818) 712-2618