A guy and girl study together

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is college credit awarded for validated college-level skills and knowledge gained outside of a college classroom. Students' knowledge and skills might be gained through experiences such as:

  • AP, IB, CLEP College Board Exams
  • Military service/ training
  • Industry recognized credentials
  • Portfolio assessment
  • Credit-by-examination

This CPL definition does not include knowledge and skills already assessed and awarded credit through formal education at regionally accredited in-state and out-of-state institutions.

CPL can be awarded as units toward electives, LACCD general education areas, and CSU general education areas. It can also be awarded as course equivalency. The UC only accepts course equivalency by credit-by- exam.

There are no fees for CPL and there is no limit to the total units that may be earned via CPL. However, such units do not count toward residency, full-time status, or financial aid status. Consult your counselor to find out if you are eligible for CPL.

Also refer to LACCD Board Policy BP 4235 and Administrative Procedure AP 4235.

Cristina Castelo Rodriguez, CPL Coordinator rodrigcc@piercecollege.edu


CPL Awards
  • The nature and content of CPL assessment shall be determined by faculty in the discipline, or designee, for which credit is to be granted. the faculty shall determine that the assessment adequately measures mastery of the course content, objectives, and learning outcomes as set forth in the course outline of record. One or more than one method of assessment of CPL may be used for a single course.
  • General Education and Additional Graduation/Competency Requirements
    • CPL assessment methods established in this procedure may be applied to general education requirements and additional graduation requirements solely at the discretion of the counseling faculty or Articulation Officer as established in college protocols. (See AP 5110 Counseling and AP 5111 Petitions for Degrees and Certificates.)

Resource AP 4235 v. 8/15/2024

CPL Types
  • Students may be eligible for course, general education area, or elective CPL through the approved alternative methods of awarding college credit, including:

Credit by Exam based upon:

  • Satisfactory completion of a local college examination administered by the college in lieu of completion of an active course listed in the current college catalog.

Industry Certification based upon:

  • Evaluation of industry recognized credentials and licenses; or
  • Credit recommendations made by agencies such as American Council on Education (ACE) National Guide, the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS), California Mapping Articulated Pathways (MAP) Initiative, or local college discipline faculty.

Military Training and Service based upon:

  • Evaluation of Joint Services Transcripts (JST);
  • Credit recommendations made by the ACE Military Guide, MAP, or local college discipline faculty - see AP 4235 Appendix A;
  • Defense Language Proficiency TES (DLPT) (See AP 4235 Appendix B); or
  • Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) - See AP 4235 Appendix C

Portfolio Review based upon:

  • Evaluation conducted by local discipline faculty.

Standardized External Assessments and Exams based upon a satisfactory score on:

  • Advanced Placement (AP) examination (See AP 4235 Advanced Placement Credit);
  • High-level International Baccalaureate (IB) examination (See AP 4237 International Baccalaureate Credit);
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP) - (See AP 4238 CLEP Credit); or
  • Examination administered by other agencies approved by the District Academic Senate.

Resource AP 4235 v. 8/15/2024

Determination of Eligibility for CPL
  • Student seeking Credit by Exam must be in good standing at the college.
  • Student must submit, prior to CPL transcription, official test scores for processing of CPL for standardized exams such as AP, IB, CLEP, and/or DLPT. Unoffical copies may be used for CPL education planning purposes
  • Student is not currently enrolled int he course for which CPL may be granted.
  • The student has not received credit on their academic record(s) for an equivalent course.

Resource AP 4235 v. 8/15/2024

Limitations for CPL
  • Credit acquired by CPL may not be applicable to meeting load requirements for programs such as Selective Service deferment, veterans' benefits, CalWORKS, EOPS and other special programs, or Social Security benefits.
  • Credit acquired by CPL shall not be counted in determining residency.
  • Credit awarded through CPL may not be used in determining financial aid eligibility as required by law. Any credits awarded through CPL will be counted toward maximum count under the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.

Resource AP 4235 v. 8/15/2024

Fees for CPL
  • Fees shall not be charged for students seeking course credit using Credit for Prior Learning. (See BP 5030 Fees.)

Resource AP 4235 v. 8/15/2024

Petition for CPL Credit

AP, IB and CLEP Exams

AP, IB and CLEP do not require a Credit for Prior Learning Petition. See the AP, IB and CLEP sections (link to each one) for more information on credit awarded for these exams.

Industry Credentials

Student Created Portfolio

Credit by Exam Procedures

1.  Students must review and meet the eligibility requirements. There is no fee for Credit by Examination.

2.  If all eligibility requirements are met, the student must contact the Department Chair (link to excel spreadsheet) to discuss which courses they would like to take for Credit-By-Exam.

3.  Students will fill out the CPL Petition Section I: Course Equivalency of the CPL Petition and submit the petition to the Department Chair or Faculty Designee.

4.  The Department Chair or Faculty Designee will work with Admissions Office for a full review of the petition and ensure the eligibility requirements are met.

5.  If the eligibility requirements are met, the Department Chair or Faculty Designee will contact the student to make an appointment date(s) to conduct testing. More than one date may be required by some courses.

6.  The Department Chair or Faculty Designee will communicate the results of the exam(s) to the student.

7.  The student may accept or reject the grade(s). The student will complete Section 2: Course Equivalent Result Acceptance of the petition indicating if they accept or reject the result(s).

8.  The faculty member shall sign off on the petition with the recorded grade, if the grade has been accepted by the student, and submit it to the Admissions Office.

9.  Admissions and Records will document the result and notate the student’s transcript.




Grading Policy for CPL
    • Grading shall be according to the regular grading system. (See AP 4230 Grading and Academic Record Symbols.)
    • Credit by Exam and portfolio Review shall be awarded equivalent course credit for a letter grade or the "Pass/No Pass" option if that option is ordinarily available for the course.
    • All other CPL types shall be awarded equivalent course credit with the Pass/No Pass Grading Option only.

Resource AP 4235 8/15/2024

Transcribing CPL
  • The student's academic record shall be clearly annotated to reflect that credit was earned by CPL. (See AP 4230 Appendix A.)
    • The type of CPL shall be notated (e.g. Credit by Exam, Industry Certification, Joint Services Transcript, Portfolio Review, Advanced Placement).
    • For Credit by Exam and Portfolio Review, the credit and grade shall be posted to a specific term.

Resource AP 4235 8/15/2024

Procedures for Awarding CPL
  • Colleges shall develop local protocols for awarding CPL consistent with this procedure and shall identify the individual(s) response for CPL coordination.
  • Students shall be made aware of CPL opportunities through a variety of means, including college websites, outreach, orientation, catalog, and through onboarding procedures.
  • Colleges shall ensure that students may self-initiates the CPL process by completing a CPL request form and submitting supporting documentation.
  • CPL for Military Training and Service or Standardized External Assessments may be awarded automatically upon receipt of official transcripts. Students may decline credit following the college protocol.
  • All CPL-related documentation must be submitted to the college. While unofficial copies of the CPL documentation may be used for educational planning purposes, the official CPL document is required to award CPL.
  • Credit awarded through CPL shall be used to clear requisites.
  • Students shall have an opportunity to accept, decline, or appeal CPL decisions. Credit by Exam appeals shall be conducted according to the requirements of the AP 5530 Students Rights and Grievances.
  • Colleges shall place accepted CPL on the official transcript.

Additional Procedures based on CPL Type:

Credit by Exam
  • Faculty guidelines for developing Credit by Exam:
  • The nature and content of the examination shall be determined solely by college faculty in the discipline who normally teach the course for which credit is to be granted.
  • A separate examination shall be conducted for each course (not section) for which credit is to be granted. CPL may be awarded for individually identified courses (not sections) for which examinations are conducted pursuant to this section.
  • The Credit by Exam assessment shall address the topics and course objectives listed in the course outline of record to the same rigor as the standard college course.

Colleges shall provide any student requesting Credit by Exam with a copy of the official course outline of record to aid the student in making the decision to attempt the Credit by Exam assessment.

Industry Certification

Colleges shall analyze industry recognized credentials and licenses to award CPL where appropriate. Students requesting such CPL shall receive credit under the following circumstances:

  • A copy of the credential or license must be on file in the college's Admissions and Records Office; and
  • Discipline faculty or non-discipline designee has determined that the credential or license adequately demonstrates mastery of the course content as set forth in the course outline of record. Credit recommendations from platforms such as ACE, NCCRS, and the MAP Platform may serve as the basis for CPL.
Military Training and Service

Students eligible for CPL based on military service/training shall receive credit under the following circumstances:

  • Official JST, or other official documentation, is on file in the college's Admission and Records Office; and
  • Academic credit for military service and military schools is granted based on the analysis of the JST or other official documented evidence of military experience(s). Credit recommendations from the ACE Military Guide or MAP may be used. (See AP 4235 Appendix A for details.)

Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT)

Students requesting CPL using a DLPT examination shall receive credit for completing a satisfactory score on a DLPT examination. Official scores must be on file in the college's Admissions and Records Office. (See AP 4235 Appendix B for details).

DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)

Students requesting CPL using the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) shall receive credit for completing a satisfactory score on a DSST examination. Official scores must be on file in the college's Admission and Records Office. (See AP 4235 Appendix C for details.)

Portfolio Assessment

Students eligible for CPL based on portfolio review shall receive credit under the following circumstances:

  • A portfolio based on discipline guidelines is on file in the division/department office in which the discipline is housed. The student will assemble a portfolio that demonstrates college level learning, knowledge, or skills.
  • The nature, content, and guidelines of the portfolio shall be determined by the faculty in the discipline who normally teach the course for which credit is to be granted.
  1. A portfolio assessment rubric for the course is on file and available for student review.
  2. The portfolio assessment shall address the topics and student learning objectives listed in the course outline of record to the same rigor and standard as the college course.
  3. Portfolio assessment shall be performed by the faculty in the discipline who normally teach the course for which credit is to be granted.
  4. A separate portfolio assessment shall be conducted for each course for which credit is to be granted.
Standardized External Assessments and Exams

Advanced Placement (AP)

Students requesting CPL using Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations of the College Entrance Examination Board shall receive credit with scores of 3, 4, or 5 on a District Academic Senate-approved AP exam. Official AP scores must be on file in the college's Admissions and Records Office. (See AP 4236 and Appendix for details.)

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Students requesting CPL using International baccalaureate (IB) shall receive credit for completing a satisfactory score on a District Academic Senate-approved high-level IB exam. Official IB scores must be on file in the college's Admissions and Records Office. (See AP 4237 and Appendix for details.)

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Students requesting CPL using the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) shall receive credit for completing a satisfactory score on a District Academic Senate-approved CLEP exam. Official CLEP scores must be on file in the college's Admissions and Records Office. (See AP 4237 and Appendix for details.)

Resource AP 4235 8/15/2024

Credit for Transfer to UC and CSU


University of California

California State University








Does not accept


Industry Recognized Credentials

Does not accept


Military training/experience

Evaluated after transfer


Portfolio Assessment

Does not accept





CPL Course List

Military Credit (ACE)

Industry Credentials

Credit by Exam

Frequently Asked Questions

Students who hold industry credentials and certifications are graduates of service academies were trained for military occupations, or have work experience that can be demonstrated through an exam or portfolio review may qualify for credit for prior learning.

Each CPL eligible course will have different methods of assessment. These methods include:

  • Military Transcript
  • Credit by Exam
  • Portfolio Review
  • Industry Certification/Accreditation or License
  • AP, IB, CLEP

Check out our CPL Course List!

If you have prior learning experience that you feel would qualify for CPL, but you don’t see the discipline or course in our list, please email @email

We are still building our CPL database and will reach out to our faculty on your behalf to see if CPL is a good fit!

There is no cost for CPL.

Contact Cristina Castelo Rodriguez, CPL Coordinator rodrigcc@piercecollege.edu.

For students interested in CPL, contact Cristina Castelo Rodriguez, CPL Coordinator at rodrigcc@piercecollege.edu.

For faculty and staff interested in learning more about CPL and potential opportunities for students within your disciplines, contact Cristina Castelo Rodriguez, CPL Coordinator, at rodrigcc@piercecollege.edu.

Military students - follow the steps on the Veterans Services website to send your official military transcripts to Los Angeles Pierce College.

No. You just need to be registered at Palomar College in order to apply for Credit for Prior Learning.

The "registered" student, as defined for CPL, is a student that has been admitted to Los Angeles Pierce College, has a Los Angeles Pierce College student ID number and is eligible to enroll.

Go to the Apply for Credit for Prior Learning link in the site menu and follow the instructions.